St. Luke High School

General Rules

  1.     Student should come to school clean and tidy in the prescribed uniform.
  2.     Students must be regular and punctual in the school and its activities.
  3.     Students should be in their respective classes when the bell goes for the School.
  4.     Presence in morning Assembly/Prayer is essential for every student.
  5.     No student shall leave the class room / school premises without the permission of the Teacher/Principal.
  6.     Students found guilty of damaging the school property will be penalized and will have to pay the cost of the property.
  7.     Irregular attendance, habitual negligence of students, disobedience, lack of regard towards the teachers, unreasonable behavior shall be strongly dealt with.
  8.     Walking on lawns and plucking of flowers and so on are forbidden.
  9.     Bring healthy and filling lunch to school; avoid junk food and aerated drinks.
  10.     Students suffering from infectious diseases will not be allowed to attend the class and to appear in the examination.
  11.     Students should keep their books and notebooks in good condition and it should be neatly covered with brown paper.
  12.     Students should not leave his/her bicycle unlocked or ride his/her cycle in the school compound.
  13.     Speaking English is enforced in the classroom and within the school premises.
  14.     Students are not allowed to bring cash or mobile to the school. If any student brings mobile, it will be confiscated and strict disciplinary action will be taken                against the student.
  15.     Students taking terminal examination (Class-X) must clear all school dues before they are issued their admission cards.
  16.     Parents must attend all Parent-Teacher meetings. If the parents are unable to collect the report cards on the assigned day, they must inform the class teachers.          Failing which the child will not be allowed to sit in the class.
  17.     Parents must sign the remarks given by the subject teachers and meet the teachers.
  18.     The school will organize special classes for Board Classes. These classes will ensure personal attention in the subjects.
  19.     Parents will not, for any reason, go to the class room. They will contact office in case of any emergency.
  20.     Name of your child will automatically be struck off from the records if fees are not paid on the last day of the laid down months as per fee book.
  21.     In case re-admission is considered, the defaulter will pay all dues fine, and re -admission fees.
  22.     The school accepts no responsibility whatsoever for losses of valuables brought to school.
  23.     No child will be allowed, without written permission from the principal, to leave the school premises once he/she comes to school.
  24.     Students are not allowed to come to school on automated vehicles without written permission and a valid permanent license.
  25.     A fine of Rs. 100/- will be imposed for loss of I-card.