St. Luke High School

Primary Section

1-    The Syllabus and activities for the session are planned purposefully keeping in mind the overall growth of the child.


2-    Separate weekly assembly is held for Classes. Teachers ensure whole class participation.


3-    Various co-curricular activities are conducted throughout the session.


4-    THOTS(The Higher Order Thinking Skills) for classes is a unique and innovative programme to develop and nurture, ‘Thinking Skills’, ‘Thinking Processes’ and                     ‘Life  Skills’ in students.


5-    Olympiads are held annually.


6-    A ‘Field Show’ or a ‘Variety Programme’ or a ‘Project Display’ is organized annually.


7-    National Days and various festivals are celebrated.


8-    The academic session is divided into two terms- April to September and October to March. During the session there are four Periodic Tests for and two                                    Summative  Assessments are held.


9-    Field trips and excursions are organized for the students.


10-  St. Luke High School is for fundamental & primary learning give directions to every child’s learning process & teach academics with the help of fun activities.